Monday, October 8, 2007

You Can't Handle The Truth

A Few Good Men is one of my favorite movies. Great story, great cast, and has one of greatest quotes. The story is building to a head and Tom Cruise gets Jack Nicholson on the witness stand and emphatically states "I want the truth!" and Nicholson shouts back "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!" It is a great moment. But he is right many time we can't handle the truth and we are more comfortable with the lies.

Many times the truth hurts, when you find out a friend is gossiping about you, a spouse has cheated on you, pick your scenario. The truth that we are more concerned with image than substance. The truth that we are not being effective. There are many truths that are hard to handle.

One of the most important truths that we, or at least I struggle with is our identity in Christ. Maybe it stems from insecurity or a lack of faith, but we fail to embrace the truth of who we are in Christ. We settle for the lies and half truths about our identity and all too often fail to take full advantage of the resources and blessings at our disposal.

Jesus said, " You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" God help me to know and really believe the truth of who I am in you, so I can accomplish all you have for me to do for your honor and your glory. Help me to handle the truth.

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